CVA Website
The CVA Website will be independent, but linked to the main Website of IUAES. Each commission-member that represents a region will manage a page under the main website and can use it to link to activities, initiatives etc in his or her region. Regional links will also provide links to websites of existing Academic organisations for Visual Anthropology in the counties in the region.On the website we will also list all Universities that offer hands-on training courses on Visual Anthropology and all existing Ethnographic Film-distribution Centres, Visual Anthropological websites and Organisations, and we will present links to News-nets and Newsletters in the field of Visual Anthropology in close co-operation with the NAFA-Newsletter that is at present the official CVA/NAFA-Newsletter. We will try to avoid copying what others are already doing.
The new CVA will also seek co-operation with film-archives and Musea to link them and their film-and photo-collections to the website and include them in the discourses on how to use and judge ethnographic film-material.
We will also seek co-operation with worldwide organisations for the safeguarding of Cultural Heritage, like UNESCO.
Accepted articles will distinguish themselves by presenting text-Image integration. One of the aims of the journal will be to explore how text and image can ideally be combined and to develop academic formats.