Commission on Visual Anthropology



The digital revolution has resulted in a remarkable democratization of filmmaking. Nowadays almost everyone can film (and edit) digitally in high quality including the hitherto filmed people themselves, allowing for a movement of community filmmaking and ethnic groups like the Kayapó (Ruby, 1991: 58) of Brazil shooting their own film documents about their culture.

As perhaps the latest of these developments, the internet has given this democratization process a number of possibilities for world-wide distribution and communication.

Adapting to these new times in which it is both easier to connect to people (no more need to send a Newsletter by ‘Snale-Mail’), and in which digital techniques have made it feasible to present and distribute ethnographic documentaries on a large scale and in every country, Rolf Husmann has, under his chairmanship, taken the initiative to integrate the CVA Newsletter in the digital Newsletter of the Nordic Anthropology Film Association (NAFA). News from the CVA is now distributed by that Newsletter, which allows the new CVA to focus on its core-role: to encourage, facilitate and disseminate visual anthropology and ethnographic filmmaking training and discourse within the academic world worldwide.