Ilya Rogotnev
Ilya Rogotnev is a postdoctorant at Philological Department and a member of Laboratory of Cultural and Visual Anthropology of Perm State University (Russian Federation) which Elena Chetina is a head of. I. Rogotnev is a senior lecturer at university disciplines: “Introduction to Cultural Anthropology”, “Literary Criticism”. Scientific interests: peasant religious practices (“folk orthodoxy”); theory of laughter and folk comic culture.Filmography. As a montage director I. Rogotnev participated in works by Elena Chetina “World Semic” (a film about Russian commemoration rituals), “Saint Gabriel’s Day”, “The Dialogue with a Spirit”; as a filmmaker he made two films, devoted to religious traditions in modern peasant culture: “Easter, Pleshka, Earth Day” (in association with Elena Chetina) and “The Last Commemoration”.