映像人類学の脈絡においてアフリカの諸文化は、欧米の研究者に調査・撮影対象として一方向的に客体化され表象される傾向が強くありました。そのようななか、ノルウェー北部に位置するトロムソ大学映像文化研究科は、1997 年の設立以来、カメルーン、マリ、エチオピア、ブルキナファソ等のアフリカ各国から学生を迎え入れ、民族誌映画制作の実践を主軸とするカリキュラムのもと、多くのアフリカ人映像人類学者を輩出してきました。
Ethnographic film practices of various kinds from across the globe are entwined with new forms of audiovisual expressions and approaches. These practices detach visual anthropology from its Western colonial legacy and expand the horizon of knowledge creation, storytelling and collaborative research in humanities. The aim of this meeting of anthropologists from Cameroon, Norway and Japan is to introduce Ethnographic films and research activities of the School of Visual Anthropology at University of Tromsø (UiT/Arctic University of Norway) that has been exploring the long-lasting research collaborations with scholars from African countries. We also present visual anthropological activities by Japanese anthropologists and identify prospects, and meet the challenges facing the image-making from/on Africa.